Blogs written by and for ACA Members.

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  • Children and their future intimate relationships

    • Sexual Wellness in Counseling
    Apr 27, 2020
    Intimacy; it’s what keeps relationships together after they’re already formed. It’s the bond that’s built between individuals that grows as their relationship furthers itself. But, how do we know what intimacy is?
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  • Christine Forte

    Counseling during COVID-19 Post 6: Dealing with Grief

    • Christine Forte
    Apr 20, 2020
    In addition to being a nation under quarantine, we are also in many ways, a nation in mourning. We are grieving a myriad of losses. Some may be grieving in the most traditional sense, of having lost a loved one. Others may be experiencing losses related to quality of life: the loss of health, a job, status, of freedom, of access to friends and family, access to healthcare for issues unrelated to COVID-19, loss of access to childcare.
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  • Shainnaupdatedpic

    Seven Sets of Self-Care Counselors Could Benefit From During COVID-19

    • Shainna Ali
    Apr 17, 2020
    As a global community, we are all adjusting to a new normal as we fight to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. In this community, counselors have been playing a key role. Many have swiftly transitioned to telemental health and have consistently been holding space for the many emotions that are commonly being evoked during this time.
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  • Sexual Agency Inherent in Self Exploration and Mental Wellness Among Women

    • Sexual Wellness in Counseling
    Apr 16, 2020
    Sexual agency is paramount to personal liberation as it intersects with one’s overall mental well-being and quality of life. When a woman is aware of her own sexual agency, she is aware that her power starts from within.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    How Mother Blaming Harms the Mother-Daughter Bond

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Apr 16, 2020
    In this, my sixth blog on Mother-Daughter Attachment, I will identify; what mother blaming is, how toxic mother blaming is for the mother-daughter bond; and how unconsciously pervasive it is within the counseling and marriage and family professions.
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  • Shainnaupdatedpic

    Self-Care & Social Distancing: Helping Clients Adjust During COVID-19

    • Shainna Ali
    Apr 16, 2020
    As the world is adjusting to a new normal, many are recognizing the need to alter their lifestyles in order to continue to foster wellness during this time. While self-care strategies tend to be subjective, one constant that’s difficult to deny is the essentiality of coping during times of high stress.
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  • Joanne

    To TeleHealth or Not, When Working with Minors

    • Joanne Thomas
    Apr 14, 2020
    As a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Registered Play Therapist, amidst the Covid-19 concerns, I have found several practitioners utilizing TeleHealth.
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  • Christine Forte

    Counseling in a Time of COVID-19: Part 5 Shifts in the Therapeutic Relationship

    • Christine Forte
    Apr 9, 2020
    For most of us, the way we work has changed dramatically since our cities and states began to be impacted by COVID-19. Overnight we have gone from seeing clients at agencies, offices, schools and clinics to seeing them online out of our homes.
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  • ShannonGonter

    Meditate To Help Your Thoughts Go By Easily

    • Shannon Gonter
    Apr 7, 2020
    Take your time in trying out all different types of meditation and mindfulness activities to figure out what suites you best (resources provided below). After more and more time is spent meditating you will become more and more comfortable with the idea of being still and focusing your attention to your breath.
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  • Christine Forte

    Counseling in a Time of Covid-19 Part 5: Counselor Self-Care

    • Christine Forte
    Apr 1, 2020
    It seems that all too often in trainings and workshops, therapist self-care is mentioned towards the end, almost as an afterthought or addendum. For this reason, I thought it important to address this topic early on in this series of articles. During this exceptional time, self-care can no longer be an afterthought.
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