Blogs written by and for ACA Members.

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  • GSCBlogPic

    Integrating Mindfulness into Counseling: Foundational Information for Counselors-in-Training

    • Graduate Student Committee
    Dec 2, 2019
    A seminal definition of mindfulness offered by Jon Kabat Zinn is “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment.”
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  • claylessor

    Supplementing Private Practice with Group Work

    • Clayton Lessor
    Nov 14, 2019
    Over twenty years ago, when I started in private practice it was a slow arduous process. Building a client base and attempting to set myself apart from other counselors took time and effort!
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  • claylessor

    “Masculinity” is an Attribute; “Toxic” is a Behavior

    Nov 12, 2019
    ast year The American Psychological Assoc. (APA) released new “guidelines” on how psychologists should begin to deal with men and boys. They claim that their research proves “traditional masculinity” is causing men and boys to do a plethora of terrible things.
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  • Are We Embracing Religion as a Component of Our Sexual Selves?

    • Sexual Wellness in Counseling
    Nov 12, 2019
    “As a Christian, how do I teach my daughter about sexual expression without endorsing premarital sex?” This was posed to a group of mothers who were discussing the challenges of child-rearing in a sexualized society.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    Mother-Daughter Attachment – Why are we so critical of each other?

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Nov 12, 2019
    This is the third blog in my Mother-Daughter Attachment series. In this blog I tell the story of how I worked with Clara and Adele (names and identifying details changed), helping them understand the underlying causes for why they were so critical towards each other, and how they healed their mother-daughter bond.
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  • ShannonGonter

    Meditate To Hear The Silence

    • Shannon Gonter
    Nov 5, 2019
    Welcome to the 10-part meditation blog series that focuses on the various ways that meditation can assist you and your overall well-being.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    Mother-Daughter Attachment – Why is my mother jealous of me?

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Nov 5, 2019
    This is the second blog in my Mother-Daughter Attachment series. In this blog I tell the story of how I worked with Charlotte (name and identifying details changed), helping her understand and deal with her mother’s jealous behavior.
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  • BrittanyLashPic

    The Story of Therapy

    Nov 4, 2019
    Becoming a therapist was not my first career. English and language was (not that you can tell by the frequent use of run-on sentences and misuse of punctuation). While psychology was fascinating and had been since I started reading textbooks on the subject at thirteen; I always knew I was going to be an English teacher.
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  • Appearing on network television: are you ready for your 15 minutes of fame?

    Nov 4, 2019
    At some point in your career you will likely be contacted by the media. They may ask you to give a professional opinion on a topic they are covering or they may have an interest in the place that you work, the population you serve or even in you and your career. Whatever the reason, there are some considerations that should come into play before saying yes
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  • claylessor

    Young Men Need an “Exit Plan!”

    • Clayton Lessor
    Oct 30, 2019
    Parents have stopped or forgotten the importance of having the exit plan conversation with their son. The result, an epidemic of “26-year old’s living in the basement;” it’s unhealthy for both parent and child!
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