Blogs written by and for ACA Members.

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  • Christine Forte

    Part Three of Counseling in a time of Covid-19: Coping Emotionally

    • Christine Forte
    Mar 26, 2020
    In my previous post, I outlined several cognitive strategies for helping clients manage anxiety. But as I mentioned at the end of that post, it is important to keep in mind that there are times when cognitive strategies don’t quite reach through to the level of emotion someone is experiencing.
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  • AMLblogpic

    Teaching Accessibly Online (and enjoying it!)

    • Allison Levine
    Mar 26, 2020
    I have been teaching online and using online supplements in my teaching for 5 years now. In fact, I have the privilege of working in the first online rehabilitation counselor education program in the country.
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  • Christine Forte

    Counseling in a Time of Covid-19: Part 2 – Cognitive Techniques for Coping

    • Christine Forte
    Mar 25, 2020
    During the current health crisis, the greatest psychological challenge facing our clients is that of the fears triggered by uncertainty. Uncertainty about how many of us will remain healthy, how long the limitations on our lives will last, what the full scope of the economic implications will be, how we will feel safe again even after we have been told the danger has passed.
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  • Dr. Gerald Brown

    Consistency in Times of Chaos

    • Gerald Brown
    Mar 19, 2020
    What are the things dads do that make them great fathers? The word that I believe applies to great fathers is that they are consistent. Consistency requires calmness, reassurance, hopeful outlook, and managing moods to avoid extreme lows and highs.
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  • Christine Forte

    Counseling in a Time of Covid-19

    • Christine Forte
    Mar 18, 2020
    We are living in extraordinary times. For the first time in modern history our world is experiencing a global pandemic and all that it implies for changes in our way of life. How drastic it will be is not yet known.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    How I dealt with an experience of Gender Microaggression

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Mar 11, 2020
    In this blog I write about gender microaggression because I experienced it the other week. I will share my emotional reaction and the difficulty of fighting against gender microaggressions when the aggressor doesn’t realize that their behavior is sexist and aggressive.
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  • ShannonGonter

    Meditate To Manage Anger

    • Shannon Gonter
    Mar 3, 2020
    EVERYONE! You don’t have to have some enlightened, spiritual abilities to practice meditation. You don’t have to be a yogi and go around saying namaste to everyone. You don’t have to know someone within the meditation community to be invited into it. Literally anyone from toddlers to elders can do and benefit from meditation.
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  • … And Justice For All.

    • Sexual Wellness in Counseling
    Mar 3, 2020
    As we explored the challenges and successes of that era, someone posed a question referencing the motivation and activism of our current generation. This particular response caused me to pause and ask for clarity.
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  • ShannonGonter

    Meditate To Allow Emotion

    • Shannon Gonter
    Feb 14, 2020
    Welcome to the 10-part meditation blog series that focuses on the various ways that meditation can assist you and your overall well-being.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    Where is Mother-Daughter Attachment being taught?

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Feb 14, 2020
    In this, my fifth blog on Mother-Daughter Attachment, I ask why is Mother-Daughter Attachment missing from counseling, coaching, and marriage and family training syllabi?
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