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  • Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act: Washington Seeks Comment

    Published on: May 21, 2009
    The U.S. Departments of Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services are jointly requesting information to assist in developing regulations to implement the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA).
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  • Two Ways Members Can Contribute to Counseling Today

    Published on: May 21, 2009
    On a monthly basis, Counseling Today attempts to publish articles that cover a wide variety of issues in the profession and that speak to ACA's diverse membership. But there's no better method for choosing useful content than asking our members -- practitioners, new professionals, students, counselor educators and others -- what topics they would like (or need) to know more about.
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  • Fast Fact: 12 Percent of American Youth Live With an Addicted Parent

    Published on: May 21, 2009
    Remember when parents worried about the drug and alcohol use and abuse of their children? A new SAMHSA report, "Findings for Children Living with Substance-Dependent and Substance-Abusing Parents 2002-2007," suggests that concern is a two-way street.
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  • Coping with the Emotional Aspects of the Swine Flu Outbreak

    Published on: May 01, 2009
    The Swine influenza A virus infection (swine flu) has captured headlines, generating a need for citizens to be informed and practice caution. In addition to identifying state and local sources of information and communicating with medical professionals when necessary, counselors should be aware that the Centers for Disease Control posts regular information and guidance at its national website. Also, the Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Services unit has prepared a Swine Flu Fact Sheet.
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  • April is Counseling Awareness Month!

    Published on: Apr 01, 2009
    Click here for a guide to how you can help raise awareness in your community. Do you have your ACA Membership certificate displayed? Need one? Buy one during April for 50% off!
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  • U.S. Baby Boomlet Reflects Record Number of Births in 2007

    Published on: Mar 31, 2009
    According to a preliminary estimate of birth records, conducted by the National Center of Health Statistics and released on March 18, 2009, more babies were born in America in 2007 than at any other time in history.
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  • 2009 Conference Keynote Addresses

    Published on: Mar 30, 2009
    Keynote Addresses by Judy Shepard and C. Adolpho Bermeo from the 2009 ACA Conference & Exposition in Charlotte, NC
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  • Media Interviews during ACA 2009 Conference & Exposition in Charlotte, NC

    Published on: Mar 25, 2009
    How counselors are helping their clients cope with the economic downturn was of interest to media outlets in Charlotte. The general topic of finding jobs and the work of career counselors was the focus of all but one of the interviews. A segment focused on Keynote speaker Judy Shepard also aired.
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  • 2009 ACA, Division and Western Region Election Results

    Published on: Mar 17, 2009
    ACA wishes to congratulate the winners of the most recent ACA, Division, and Western Region Elections.
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  • Dr. Marcheta Evans Elected As ACA's 59th President

    Published on: Feb 17, 2009
    ACA is pleased to announce that Dr. Marcheta Evans has been elected to serve as the Association's 59th President. Dr. Evans has served as a volunteer leader at the state, regional, division, and national levels and has been dedicated to the profession and our organization for a number of years.
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