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  • Resources for Dealing with Natural Disasters

    Published on: Feb 23, 2010
    ACA has compiled resources to assist the public and professional counselors dealing with natural disasters.
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  • Government-Commissioned Study Recommends TRICARE Independent Practice for Counselors

    Published on: Feb 15, 2010
    The long-awaited Institute of Medicine (IOM) TRICARE study was released on Friday, February 12th. ACA is pleased that the study unequivocally recommends independent practice authority for professional counselors.
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  • ACA represents counseling at special NIMH meeting

    Published on: Jan 25, 2010
    On January 22, ACA represented the counseling profession at a special National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) small group discussion. Called for by the NIMH Director, Dr. Thomas Insel, the focus of the meeting was on innovative ways for NIMH to disseminate information on mental illness.
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  • Haiti Earthquake

    Published on: Jan 13, 2010
    ACA expresses our concern for those affected by the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. We are monitoring the need for ACA members who are certified Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Volunteers and will put out a call for deployment if requested to do so by the Red Cross.
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  • Department of Education Announces ESSCP, Mental Health Integration Grants

    Published on: Jan 12, 2010
    Below are grant announcements released today by the U.S. Department of Education, for grants under both the Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program (ESSCP) and Grants for the Integration of Schools and Mental Health Systems.
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  • Happy New Year & 2009 Highlights

    Published on: Dec 31, 2009
    President Lynn Linde, the Governing Council, staff, and volunteers of the American Counseling Association (ACA) would like to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for your membership, support, and the trust you have bestowed upon us, your professional partner, through the challenging year of 2009.
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  • ACA Helps Welcome New SAMHSA Head

    Published on: Dec 14, 2009
    The American Counseling Association was invited as representatives of the counseling profession to meet and welcome Pamela Hyde, the new Administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), on the evening of December 10 in Washington D.C.
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  • Senate Health Care Bill Fails to Cover Counselors Under Medicare

    Published on: Nov 19, 2009
    The Senate’s health care reform bill, unveiled November 18th by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, fails to establish Medicare coverage of licensed professional counselors.  This despite the fact that the Senate has twice approved Medicare coverage of counselors, and that Medicare beneficiaries need better access to outpatient mental health service providers.
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  • House Passes Major Health Care Reform Bill, Including Medicare Coverage of Counselors!

    Published on: Nov 09, 2009
    The House of Representatives took an historic step forward on Saturday, November 7th with the passage of major health insurance reform legislation, H.R.3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. 
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  • Deadline Fast Approaching for ACAF Grad Student Essay Competitions

    Published on: Nov 08, 2009
    With two Grand Prize Awards for $2,500 Scholarship Grants, plus eight $500 runner-up scholarship grants, current graduate students don't want to miss the coming deadline for either the ACA Foundation Graduate Student Essay competition, or the Ross Trust Graduate Student Essay Competition for Future School Counselors. Entry forms and essays are due by midnight, Dec. 14th.
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