Kevin Stoltz

Kevin Stoltz

Kevin Stoltz is counselor and an assistant professor at the University of Mississippi. He specializes in career counseling and Adlerian Psychology and has a strong interest (no pun intended) in early recollections related to work life.

  • Is career counseling underappreciated by students and counselors?

    Oct 21, 2009
    I pose this question because I have noticed that even though career development and counseling is included in the CACREP accreditation standards as one of the eight essential areas for the preparation of counselors, I often find that students and counselors seem to lack interest and concern for including career theory in “mental health counseling sessions”. We stress the importance of multi-cultural and developmental considerations, counseling theory, assessment, and the other core areas required by CACREP. However, many times career theory is not used in case conceptualizations outside of “Career Counseling”. I often ask myself “How does career counseling differ from mental health counseling?" I am not sure I ever decide if I have an answer or not!
    Full story

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