Blogs written by and for ACA Members.

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  • Clinical Supervision: Creativity Can Be Helpful

    • Janeisha Hood Rogers
    Oct 3, 2023
    As a doctoral student, clinical supervision has been integrated into our entire program. I have been grateful for each of the supervisors that I have had the pleasure of connecting with as it has been pivotal in my own supervision styles and approaches.
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  • DarbyKoogler

    Why Diaspora Matters in Counseling [Part 2 of 3]

    • Darby Koogler
    Oct 3, 2023
    Expatriates—more commonly known as expats can be included as part of the diaspora because expats dwell in countries outside of their homeland and/or country of citizenship.
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  • DarbyKoogler

    Why Diaspora Matters in Counseling [Part 1 of 3]

    • Darby Koogler
    Sep 25, 2023
    Our globe is the same size as it has ever been, but the world is shrinking and becoming less localized and more globalized because of diaspora. Diaspora’s Septuagint and Greek etymology is applied to people who have dispersed or scattered across lands—away from homelands and/or areas of ancestry.
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  • Therapy for Therapists

    • Janeisha Hood Rogers
    Sep 25, 2023
    Being a mental health therapist or other helping professional can be exhausting, draining and tough. Everyday might look different depending on the setting and the client. There could be crises daily or every other week.
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  • Language Learners: Collaborative Support in Schools

    • Janeisha Hood Rogers
    Sep 6, 2023
    With the recent migration of refugee and immigrant families, schools have seen an influx of enrollments. Are schools prepared to meet the needs of the students? I believe schools can meet their needs but only with the appropriate resources.
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  • Mental Health and Children: TV programs, Movies and Books

    • Janeisha Hood Rogers
    Aug 24, 2023
    As a mother, it is important for me to find children’s TV programs and shows that educational, fun and addresses and supports the importance of mental health and the normalcy and validation of all emotions, thoughts, and feelings for my daughter.
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  • DarbyKoogler

    Culture Highs and Lows

    • Darby Koogler
    Aug 24, 2023
    Culture are the distinctives of an individual, families, communities, regions, and even nations. In counseling we often use a biopsychosocial-spiritual lens to define culture—and the DSM includes cultural formation interview ideas.
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  • Mentorship: Graduate Counseling Programs

    • Janeisha Hood Rogers
    Aug 10, 2023
    Mentorship is a wonderful opportunity to provide guidance and support to new professionals in the counseling field. Mentorship allows professionals to have that person that you can bounce ideas off and talk about their first experiences in counseling with and what they can expect in the counseling field.
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  • Doing Therapy: Creative Approaches

    • Janeisha Hood Rogers
    Aug 7, 2023
    Traditional talk therapy is great! However, more creative therapy approaches have been found to be helpful to children and adults. Creative approaches allow clients both young and old to tap into their imagination while learning life skills.
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  • DarbyKoogler

    Fast Meal Counseling and Cultural Considerations

    • Darby Koogler
    Aug 3, 2023
    For the past few years, intermittent fasting has gained attention, but intermittent fasting is not new—some of our grandparents and great-grandparents held to fasting by letting the rotation of the earth determine eating and non-eating hours; as in, some would not eat after sundown and continue fasting until sunup. Most are aware that this is where we get the term: breakfast—the time to break the fast.
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