Blogs written by and for ACA Members.

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  • KaciMillerHeadshot

    Countering Secondary Traumatic Stress with Beauty

    • Kaci Miller
    Dec 11, 2020
    The first time I unexpectedly saw dolphins playing wildly in the sea, I cried. I am no stranger to slowing down and appreciating “the little things,” though I have never considered it a professional skill until recently.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    Are Mothers Free to Go “Away?”

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Dec 10, 2020
    I’ve been watching Away, a new Netflix series starring Hilary Swank as Commander Emma Green who leaves her teenage daughter and husband for a three-year mission to Mars. The series highlights many themes, but the one I’d like to explore is: Are mothers as free as fathers to prioritize their career goals?
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  • Dr.Stacee

    Counselors, We’ve Been Through It This Year

    • Stacee Reicherzer
    Dec 9, 2020
    I see you good folks working in crisis centers, hospitals, and mental health clinics, serving those who suffer most acutely the stress of isolation.
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  • JanGay

    Preparing for Doctoral Qualifying Exams

    • Graduate Student Committee
    Dec 8, 2020
    Passing qualifying exams or comprehensive exams is a significant step in a student’s doctoral experience and often is a requirement for candidacy. The pressures of balancing the duties and responsibilities during a Ph.D. program can be overwhelming at times. Navigating a Ph.D. program during a national pandemic is an even more tasking process.
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  • KaciMillerHeadshot

    Unconditional Positive Regard During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • Kaci Miller
    Dec 1, 2020
    Although the virus is more of a public health crisis than a political one, Americans have found a way to use its rampage to deepen the chasm that has already been widening for several years between the left and right. As counselors and future counselors, though, I believe we have a social responsibility to use our perspectives to bridge the divide, whether in our circles or on public platforms.
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  • ShannonGonter

    For Clients: What Are the Benefits and Risks of Counseling?

    • Shannon Gonter
    Nov 17, 2020
    Counseling is a collaborative process which involves the development of a confidential, unique, therapeutic, helping relationship. This relationship is unlike any other as mental health therapists act as facilitators to help clients better understand themselves, the world around them, their feelings, and their behaviors.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    How Marital Conflict Causes Mother-Daughter Conflict

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Nov 17, 2020
    We all know that conflict between a husband and wife affects the entire family, and that children of all ages are deeply impacted when their parents fight. What isn’t widely known is how parental conflict can cause conflict between a mother and daughter.
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  • Dr. Hatchuel

    Tips for Navigating the Practicum and Internship Application Process

    • Graduate Student Committee
    Oct 16, 2020
    The Practicum and Internship experience is one of the most significant milestones in a counseling student’s graduate school experience. This is the point of your program where the “rubber meets the road” and you will begin practicing all of the knowledge and skills you have been learning.
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  • How Mister Rogers, America’s Television Therapist, Shared 3 Strategies for Helping Children Navigate Death and Sadness

    • Anita Knight
    Oct 15, 2020
    Mister Rogers did not shy away from discussing challenging topics on his program, and he helped children understand ways for dealing with sadness and death. Let’s explore three tools he provided his television neighbors for this necessary struggle.
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  • Amber Samuels Photo

    Visions of Social Justice at the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC)

    • Amber Samuels
    Oct 12, 2020
    As a counselor, an orientation toward social justice is something that I am called to on both personal and professional levels. In addition to NMAAHC's infusion of social justice movements throughout history, I also appreciated that the museum’s exhibits represented African Americans as a group of people who continually built new efforts toward freedom that have benefited all Americans to this date.
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