Blogs written by and for ACA Members.

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  • Amber Samuels Photo

    A Counselor’s Journey: Reflections of My Pursuit of Social Justice and Advocacy

    • Amber Samuels
    Sep 1, 2020
    As I reflect on the reasons why I have decided to take on the challenge of becoming a counselor and counselor educator, a number of reasons come to mind, particularly around the importance of social justice and advocacy.
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  • JoeMurphy

    Helping Teens with Seasonal Affective Disorder

    • Joe Murphy
    Sep 1, 2020
    Most of us enjoy getting out of the house and enjoy the bright sunshine especially in spring and summer when the daylight last longer. If you know anyone who experience symptoms of SAD, or is diagnosed with it, encourage them to get help and get outside more during the daylight.
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  • Rosjke Hasseldine

    The Anger of Hope Between Mothers and Daughters

    • Rosjke Hasseldine
    Aug 31, 2020
    Anger is a common and often misunderstood emotion between mothers and daughters. In my therapy work with mothers and daughters, I hear how deeply angry mothers and daughters of all ages can be with each other, how intensely hurt they feel when they don’t feel heard, understood, or valued.
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  • Accepting Electronic Client Payments for Telehealth Services

    • Guest Blogger
    Aug 31, 2020
    Telehealth changes the way you accept payments from clients. Before you could easily swipe a card on a card reader attached to your phone, but with telehealth services, you’ll need to find another way. This article answers questions you may have regarding electronic payment services.
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  • Depression in the Time of COVID-19

    • Guest Blogger
    Aug 21, 2020
    According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 16 million adults in the United States experience symptoms of depression each year. Adverse childhood experiences and individual characteristics like genetic markers and personality traits can be risk factors for depression, but stressful life events such as living through the COVID-19 pandemic can also influence the emergence of symptoms.
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  • Amber Samuels Photo

    Counselors in the Role of Supervisor: Attending to Grief and Loss in Supervision During COVID-19

    • Amber Samuels
    Aug 21, 2020
    As a clinical supervisor, in addition to helping my supervisees process the anxiety they and their clients are experiencing during the pandemic, I believe it is equally important to dedicate time in supervision to processing the grief and loss aspects associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  • JoeMurphy

    Encouraging Parents to Update Their Contact Info

    • Joe Murphy
    Aug 21, 2020
    Many of us have experienced times when you call a parent of a student and cannot reach them. Please encourage your parents to update their address and phone number if they move and change contact information.
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  • Encrypting Computers and Smartphones

    • Guest Blogger
    Aug 18, 2020
    Encrypting your computers and smartphones is an excellent way to protect your data. Today practically every smartphone and computer can be easily encrypted.
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  • Anxiety in the Time of COVID-19

    • Guest Blogger
    Aug 17, 2020
    Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues that drives help-seeking behaviors in clients. And the COVID-19 pandemic may add stress that can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety.
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  • JoeMurphy

    Using Puppets to Counsel Children

    • Joe Murphy
    Aug 17, 2020
    Counselors use a variety of therapy toys and other items to help counsel children coming to them with mental health issues. Try puppets to help your students open up and feel better leaving your office.
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