Jackie Torres

Jackie Torres

Jackie Torres is a counselor in Colorado with a particular interest in the world of work. She enjoys helping people find what makes them feel strong and energized at work. She is also learning to play the guitar.

  • Not Just A Resume

    Jun 27, 2011
    “Let’s add a resume as part of your marketing materials, for a successful job search” I often share with my clients. This statement in turn is sometimes followed by a either a groan or a deer caught in the headlights look. Writing a resume often seems to be equated to a very painful experience. Although the primary purpose of a resume is to share skill sets to employers in order to land that elusive interview, I would like to share how writing a resume can be an insightful experience for clients (and counselors) and how a resume can mean much more for clients’ view of self and their strengths.
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  • A Road To Career Counseling

    Jun 22, 2011
    Hi! My name is Jackie and this is my first blog entry. I am so excited! It is truly an honor to be a part of a community of dedicated professionals. I would like to devote my first entry to telling you more about myself and the events that led to my interest in career counseling. I will share my story in orderly chapter titles: Chapter I: Coming to America I was born in Honduras, Central America and I arrived in the United States with my family when I was five years old. Because my dad was in the military, we traveled to many parts of the country, including Alaska, California and Tennessee. We finally settled in beautiful Colorado, and we have lived here since 1996.
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