Grace Hipona

Grace Hipona

Grace Hipona is a counselor in the state of Virginia. She currently serves as a Mental Health Therapist for a clinic, a counselor for a private practice and is a doctoral candidate. She operates from a strength-based perspective.

  • The Balancing Act

    Sep 26, 2011
    As my 20-month-old boy finally went to bed at 10pm, an hour after he was supposed to, I was acutely aware of how much time I had left in the day to get the rest of my “list” completed. In order to work full-time, go to school part-time, be a mother, wife, and fulfill my other identities, the challenge of prioritizing and delegating has become a part of my routine. I remind myself that I made these conscious decisions and have put myself in this position to juggle different responsibilities. Although this provides me with some solace, this does not provide me with what I really need, which is more time in the day.
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  • As 9/11 Comes and Goes

    Sep 12, 2011
    As the anniversary of 9/11 comes and goes, I know that many emotions and thoughts swirl around America. I am reminded of the pain, suffering, anger and fear that I and other Americans experienced at that time.
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  • Clinical Supervision – All Counselors Need It!

    Sep 06, 2011
    I was so excited to get the opportunity to talk about this topic because I truly believe ALL counselors need it regardless of their level of expertise or certification. Since this is my first blog entry, I wanted to start with the basics and discuss the benefits of clinical supervision. Some people think that supervision is just discussing problems with clients. Some people think that supervision is only necessary when you are a “novice” counselor, when you are in a Masters program completing a practicum/internship or when you are trying to get a license.
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