Dawn Ferrara

Dawn Ferrara

Dawn Ferrara is a counselor in private practice and clinical manager for a community-based children’s mental health program. Her areas of interest include disaster mental health counseling, lifestyle management, and counselor wellness.

  • Help For The Helpers

    Jun 02, 2011
    As I sat down to write my first blog, I had a few ideas spinning around in my head. So often, I find myself musing about something a client said or an interesting experience shared by a colleague. I figured it would be easy to decide on a topic. But as I started to write, my thoughts kept coming back to the recent tornadoes and our colleagues who have responded to that disaster. An article in our local newspaper profiled some counselors and the work they are doing in the tornado damaged areas. Maybe because I have been where they are or maybe because of my interest in counselor wellness, I have not been able to get these counselors and their task out of my head.
    Full story

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