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  • Share Your Thoughts

    Published on: Oct 01, 2006
    ACA would like to know how your career path led you to the noble profession of counseling. This month's topic asks readers to share the path that led them to being a professional counselor. See what your colleagues and others say, and then feel free to post your thoughts as well.
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  • October 5 is National Depression Screening Day

    Published on: Sep 18, 2006
    Get Screened! Find a local site offering free, anonymous screenings for depression, anxiety disorders and bipolar disorder on October 5, 2006, National Depression Screening Day.
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  • 9/11 Remembrance

    Published on: Sep 11, 2006
    As the world pauses to remember and reflect on the events of five years ago, ACA is reprising some articles of interest on our website. Also, do you have a remembrance of September 11, 2001 that you would like to share? Please send us your remembrance, and ACA will post it to our website.
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  • NMHA Release - Mental Health Central to National Preparedness/Response, Requires Increased Attention

    Published on: Sep 07, 2006
    Monday, September 11, 2006, marks the fifth anniversary of the largest terrorist attacks on United States soil. Over the past five years, research and personal accounts have demonstrated the emotional impact of these attacks on Americans throughout the nation—not just in New York City and Washington D.C.
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  • ACA Idea Bank Open For Business

    Published on: Sep 06, 2006
    ACA cares what you think! We have launched an idea bank on our website where you can send suggestions or questions about anything relating to ACA and your ACA membership.
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  • "Using the Internet for Your Job Search" -- Part II: Finding Jobs

    Published on: Sep 01, 2006
    Last month, this column examined the use of Internet resources in searching for a job, concluding that, while the Internet can be an excellent research tool, it is not a resource that should be relied upon to the exclusion of all others. In Part II of “Using the Internet for Your Job Search,” we will examine strategies to identify counseling jobs.
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  • SAMHSA and Ad Council Launch New Ads to Offer Mental Health Services to Hurricane Survivors

    Published on: Aug 30, 2006
    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Ad Council today launched a series of new national public service print and billboard ads to encourage individuals who may be experiencing psychological distress from last year's hurricanes to seek mental health services.
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  • CACREP Seeking Board Applicants

    Published on: Aug 30, 2006
    The Nominations Committee of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) is seeking nominations and applications for positions on the Board of Directors.
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  • Visit the New ACA Job Center

    Published on: Aug 29, 2006
    The new ACA Job Center is now up and running! This partnership with enables an ACA member to do a targeted search for counseling positions across the country.
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  • Pre-Convention Learning Institutes

    Published on: Aug 29, 2006
    Come to Detroit one day early to jumpstart your professional development!
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