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  • Ethics Competition Results

    Published on: Feb 04, 2014
    The scores from the 2013-2014 Graduate Student Ethics Competition have been tallied, and the final results are in! Congratulations to all of the teams that placed, and thank you to everyone who participated.
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  • ACA in the News: What About Millennials?

    Published on: Jan 08, 2014
    Our own Dr. David Kaplan was recently interviewed by Next Generation TV correspondent, Michelle Fields, about what makes the Millennial generation different from other generations. Are Millennials self-important lazy video game players who are obsessed with their phones and social media, or do they have a healthy sense of life-work balance and the potential to be the next great generation?
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  • ACA in the News: Crisis Counseling

    Published on: Dec 16, 2013
    Dr. David Kaplan, ACA's Chief Professional Officer, was recently interviewed by NBC News for an article about crisis counseling on the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. “What you are there for, more than anything else, is to identify those who are having real difficulty," Dr. Kaplan stated.
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  • Dr. David Kaplan Sheds Light on Emotional Trauma

    Published on: Dec 12, 2013
    School Nutrition Magazine recently interviewed the American Counseling Association’s Dr. David Kaplan for a story on recovery after a traumatic event.
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  • New Image Contest Provides Chance to Represent the Profession

    Published on: Dec 09, 2013
    Showcase your creativity as an artist, designer, or photographer! Submit an original work representing "the power of counseling in today's world" and you could win an ACA eGift Certificate. ACA will also create a Counseling Awareness Month poster using YOUR winning image!
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  • Former ACA President Bob Nejedlo Passes Away

    Published on: Dec 05, 2013
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  • ACA in the News: Using Technology to Connect With Youth

    Published on: Dec 03, 2013
    Richard Yep, Chief Executive Officer of ACA, wrote a byline for eSchool News discussing how professional counselors are using specific platforms to assist in their efforts to reach younger clients.
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  • Newtown Lions Foundation Sandy Hook Elementary Fund Needs Your Help

    Published on: Nov 25, 2013
    The following is a heartfelt message from ACA’s Connecticut branch, the Connecticut Counseling Association, about the continued need to support those affected by the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
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  • ACA in the News: Access to Mental Health Care & Suicide

    Published on: Nov 20, 2013
    After the recent tragedy involving Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds and his son, Austin (Gus) Deeds, the American Counseling Association’s Dr. David Kaplan was interviewed by Washington, DC’s FOX 5 News. He shared thoughts regarding access to mental health care and acts of violence committed by suicidal individuals. Dr. Kaplan also explained how professional counselors can help those in need.
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  • ACA Partners With HRC to Support LGBTQ Youth

    Published on: Nov 18, 2013
    The National Education Association (NEA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA) have become Co-Presenting Conference Partners at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s inaugural Time To THRIVE Conference – supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.
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