Grace De Angelou

Grace Olivia De Angelou is an U.S. Army Continuing Education Counselor. She is passionate about continuous service to the military community as soldiers transition out of the military into another career field. Blog comments are not representative of the Army or Department of Defense.

  • Military Servicemember Higher Education Enrollment Instructional Plan: Misconceptions, Discovery Learning, Problem Solvi ...

    Aug 22, 2011
    Overcoming barriers to continuing education for soldiers begins with finding a school which is truly military-friendly. This is one aspect military service students may overlook when enrolling in higher education programs offered by universities, colleges, or technical schools. There is much caution to base this on due to the fact some schools advertising themselves as service friendly, in actuality are not. This is due to the reality that there is no clear definition of service. When enrolling in a school, after military service, awareness of common barriers starts with knowledge of these obstacles and how to prevail over them. There are specific characteristics of veteran-friendly schools which require consideration prior to enrolling. These include offering programs specifically designed orientation, support groups, and dedicated resource centers. Discovery Learning, problem solving and computer technology will be address these misconceptions about seeking higher education while serving the military.
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