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The Richard Yep Award recognizes an individual (who may or may not be an active ACA member) who has provided selfless acts of support to an active ACA member. Because of this person’s act of unselfishness, sacrifice, and focus on the other, the ACA member is able to succeed as a graduate student, professional counselor, or counselor educator.

2024 Richard Yep Award Recipient

To be announced

Background and Purpose

Richard Yep, CAE, FASAE, faithfully, innovatively, and effectively served the American Counseling Association for 33 years with 24 of those years as CEO. In recognition of and appreciation for these three decades of leadership, the ACA Governing Council established the Richard Yep Award in 2022.

The Richard Yep Award recognizes an individual (who may or may not be an active ACA member) who has provided selfless acts of support to an active ACA member. Because of this person’s act of unselfishness, sacrifice, and focus on the other, the ACA member is able to succeed as a graduate student, professional counselor, or counselor educator.


February 16, 2024


February 26, 2024 


ACA Awards Committee


  • $500 honorarium
  • Complimentary registration for the 2024 ACA Conference and Expo (April 11-13, 2024 | New Orleans, LA), and recognition during event. Winners will receive further information at the time of award notification. 

Sponsor: The American Counseling Association Foundation

Eligibility, Rules and Criteria

The Richard Yep Award recognizes an individual (who may or may not be an active ACA member) who has provided selfless acts of support to an active ACA member. Because of this person’s act of unselfishness, sacrifice, and focus on the other, the ACA member is able to succeed as a graduate student, professional counselor, or counselor educator.

  • The nominator must be an active ACA member
  • The nominee does not have to be an ACA member

Nomination Guidelines

The total submission package for this award cannot exceed 16 pages in length. All nomination materials must be combined into one document (all formats accepted), with the nomination letter first.

Nomination letter: In the letter, identify the nominee and why they should be considered for the Richard Yep Award. Keep in mind that the award reviewers are relying on the information you provide to choose the most deserving recipient for the award. Please address each nomination guideline (see below) and make sure your nominee meets the award criteria and requirements. Brevity, clarity, and specificity are the most important here.

  • In your nomination submission, please describe the actions of the nominee and how those actions directly supported your professional achievements.
  • Mr. Yep’s vision is to recognize and celebrate an individual who does not draw attention to themselves and works to support the good of others. Please address how the nominee meets this criterion.

Supporting materials: Nominators may include a maximum of two support letters from others familiar with how the nominee unselfishly supported the ACA member.

Apply for Award