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Counseling Today
Counseling Today
December 2014
Cover story
36 Look before you leap By Laurie Meyers
Transitioning into private practice can be rewarding, but counselors interested in making that jump should first consider the challenges they’ll invariably face and the skills necessary for success.
46 The lingering crisis of the Great Recession By Laurie Meyers
As the jobless rate continues to drop, suggesting that
the nation’s workforce has slowly returned to business
as usual, why do millions of people who have been unemployed long term still find themselves on the outside looking in — and what can counselors do to help?
54 Knowledge Share
To whom shall I refer?
By Jill L. Snodgrass, Devlyn McCreight & Michael R. McFee
Addressing clients’ religious and spiritual concerns
as they relate to mental health is a requisite cultural competency for counselors, but understanding the disciplines of Christian counseling, pastoral counseling and spiritual direction can help determine when and how to make an appropriate referral.
Special item
60 ACA, division & region election information
Need to Know
5 From the President 7 CEO’s Message
8 Letters to the Editor
10 Washington Update
12 Deconstructing the DSM-5 22 Private Practice Strategies 24 Neurocounseling: Bridging
Brain and Behavior 28 New Concepts in the
ACA Code of Ethics
30 Counselor Career Stories: Erika Schmit
32 Recent Book Releases 35 Risk Management
for Counselors 49 CT Learning Test
92 Bulletin Board
A sampling of recent exclusives at CT Online
n The Hope Chest: Finding calm within the storm (lessons on becoming a resilient therapist)
n Progress on the path to somewhere over the rainbow: The first ALGBTIC National Conference
n 20/20 organizations endorse licensure title, scope of practice for counseling profession
For these stories and many others, visit
December 2014 | Counseling Today | 3

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